April 19, 2011

Religion Is Like a Penis

"Religion is like a penis.  It's fine to have one.  It's fine to be proud of it.  But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around.  And please don't try to shove it down our throats." -Anonymous quote.
I have to admit that this is one of my favorite quotes about religion because that's kinda the way that I feel.  See, the church that I felt most comfortable in, in my whole life was a non-denominational church.   I believe in something (at least I want to believe in something), but I don't rule out the possibility of anything.  I believe in religion, whatever it may be.  I don't trash talk religions (publicly), however, I feel like people do taint a lot of them with their politics.  I hate it when people tell me what to believe or how to live my life because it's MY life.  They can live life however they want and I really don't care because it's theirs to live.  So, if you are rather closed-minded when it comes to religion perhaps you should consider being a little more open and respectful to what others believe or don't believe.  Who are you to judge?

John Lennon - Imagine