I understand that men struggle with women, as far as our behaviors and emotions, but you know what? There is a reason that we are the way that we are, which can sometimes be crazy. But the truth is we're beautiful creatures that should be respected. I've never been exactly a feminist, per say, but I feel that women are equally as crazy as men and we deserved to be treated that way especially in the world that we live in now.
So here's my 5 reasons why we are the way that we are
1.) Hormones... you trying having excess hormones and be normal, seriously. There is at least a solid week where our hormones control our lives. We realize that we are being crazy, but we can't help it. Sorry, but not really. You want to blame someone, blame genetics or God.
2.) We can hold a child. Now, I know that this seems inadequate and rather... duh-ish. BUT, this plays an important role in sex. Some women just don't enjoy having sex because they are scared that they are going to get pregnant and although men have to deal with this too, to a certain extent, it ultimately boils down to what the woman chooses to do.
3.) Make-up. I'm not too entirely sure why or where this shit was invented, but it took off like woah. If we don't take thirty to forty minutes a day getting ready (and that's if we're quick), we risk looking like crack whores and hearing shit from all sorts of people.
4.) Hair prep. This kind of goes along with the last one, but appearance is super important in our culture, for some odd reason, and the majority of us cannot just walk out of the door without doing something to our hair. So, yes, we can get irritated with all this prep.
5.) Double-standards. This mainly boils down to sex. It is, in our society, completely okay if a guy sleeps with a lot of women, but if a woman sleeps with a lot of men, well, they are a slut or a whore. Now, you try to be single and have somewhat of a sex life with that double standard, it doesn't work.
I'm not going to lie, there are pleasures in life that we get to indulge ourselves in. For instance, chivalry. There is no doubt that I love getting a meal paid for or movies or whatever and for that certain 'tradition', I do feel bad for men, but you know what? There's just some things that should and will never change :) Deal with it. But, know that we know that we're crazy, but the truth is boys, you couldn't live without us and you won't so get used to it and try to understand that our body works differently than yours.
I Am Woman - Helen Reddy